You Belong with Me by Tari Faris

I really loved this book!
I read the prequel novella last year, then preordered the first novel..... and then shelved it until now!
I am so glad I got to it!
I really enjoyed how this author writes small town life, I enjoyed the setting and how the pacing of the story flowed.
I really liked how the characters are shown how their actions and evasions have harmed their relationships. 
I really liked how in a town named Heritage there are four characters that are struggling with their own heritage. They are struggling against their pasts and uncertain about their future. I loved the way the author shows that the attempts to avoid conflict or communication only create more obstacles to their lives. It is a reminder that we need to be open and honest with those close to us.
I loved the representation of a child who grew up in foster care and how that affects his identity.
I loved the message that came out of the story of how we are not defined by the actions of our parents and we all have a chance to leave a lasting heritage.
I loved that!
I really identified with Hannah,  I am very sentimental and I think that can make me become too attached to the things that represent the people I want to hold on to.
I loved seeing these character's stories unfold and I am really looking forward to the next book!


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