Set in Stone

Oh, boy....
If there is one thing I have learned from reading this series is to plan a "recovery time " after you finish each book.
This one was no exception. 
I love how each book builds more and more into the story.  How much the story has changed since the beginning.  And the new layers and depth that we get in this book of the series. 
I can't recommend this series enough. 
It has suspense,  it has a complicated multi level mystery thread, it has characters that feel so real, it has a absolutely beautiful love story. 
It has everything. 
Rem is a character I completely adore,  he is trying to get things right, yet like us,  often messing up.  Yet I cheer so hard for him. 
He is complex, relatable and fiercely loyal to his people. 
Each book has a killer of a cliffhanger and this one has a cliffhanger that was so intense and so raw..........
Desperately eager for book 5!
I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the publisher, all opinions in this review are honest and completely my own. 


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