Poppies proposal by Tara Grace Ericson

I think this book is my favorite so far in the series! Why? Marriage of convenience baby! There are not a lot of MOC stories in the contemporary genre and I always seem to love the few that come up. We had a tiny hint of something going on in Poppies life in Daisy's book and I was really looking forward to seeing what was up! I really love how each book is interconnected, but with a new view each time. At first I had a hard time accepting the reason behind the marriage but I really liked how it played out. I love stories that go "beyond the I do". I loved the building chemistry between the two main characters and the way that they overcame their insecurities from each of their pasts. My only complaint is that I wished that I could have seen more of their interactions, I enjoy seeing them together so much, I could have done with more. I was a bit annoyed with Harrison for considering going against his word, but I loved the nature and the message of the resolution. I love ...