Cul-de-sac war by melissa Ferguson
This book had some truly great pranks! Like the sneaky part of me is tucking these ideas away for futer reference!
I adore books with the love /hate trope and this book definitely delivers so much of why I love this trope. It is very entertaining to watch the sparks fly!
I know that I shouldn't compare one book to another (I really try to rate each book, based on it's own merits). I do want to mention to other readers that the spiritual message is definitely not as prominent in this book as her first one. I had read a review that eluded to that so I was aware of this going in.
However she used a quote from c.S. Lewis that really hinted at a deeper meaning and I thought that was a clever way to weave a bit of a spiritual message without making it obvious.
I do tend to gravitate towards the books that are uplifting and have a clear spiritual message.
However it is still a great story.
There were times I was just grinning like........Chip really!
The antics were so fun, and there were deeper topics that were included. I like the way the author added that level of depth to the characters.
A light entertaining read!
I recieved a copy of this book from the publisher through Netgally. All my opinions are my honest feelings and opinions about this book.
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