
Notorious is a redemptive tale that has all the classic elements of everything the makes Tamera Leigh books my top pick in all things medieval romance. 
In this book you see a Via
nna who has been present in earlier books, but we don't understand why she is in the position she is. She is an enigma. 
Leigh masterfully let's us experience the perspective of heroine in a way that doesn't whitewash her path but doesn't overdo it either.
It is a perfect balance of grace and the harsh reality of a woman in a dangerous situation. 
And then enter a hero who has misconceptions about her character and loyalties. Forced proximity. Let me tell you it is a recipe for another epic romance that may be one of my favorite in the series. 
It has elements that remind me of a tale similar to Rahab from the book of Joshua yet set in a medieval time period. 
There are so many layers and such depth to both main characters that I was utterly captivated by their story and cheering them on as they faced struggles, heartache and their own flaws as they fought for a new life.
I really could go on and on!
But I highly recommend you experience the beauty of her romance tales yourself.  
I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the author.  All thoughts and opinions are honest and completely my own. 


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