Love and a little white lie byTammy L. Gray

I had a hard time deciding if I should read this book. That title kinda threw me because of my opinion is that the "little white lie" excuse to lie doesn't sit with me. Then I learned that this book is completely in the first person pov (not my favorite way to read a story), and it features a love triangle (probably my least favorite trope of all). However I decided to go ahead and try it because I absolutely loved Mecy's Fight by This author. With all that said, this was a really well written, well done book. While dishonesty is a key element of the story I like how it is addressed (ahem...Dillon). This book explores how when dishonesty creeps into our relationships it never is beneficial. While there was a triangle trope between January and two really good guys I liked how it worked out. I saw how the author used both guys to teach January something powerful about faith and herself. I was team Dillon from the moment he was on the page. I loved his brutal honesty ...