Author Interview with Jessica Kate!
Jessica Kate has a new Rom-com set in Australia that will release in just a few short days.
It is an absolute blast, in my opinion!
Jessica was kind enough to answer some questions about the book.
Question#1 I really enjoyed seeing a modern, rural dairy operation. That is something I have not seen in fiction before, how did you come up with that idea?
I grew up there! The farm described in A Girl's Guide is based on one of the ones I lived on as a kid, though the anecdotes come from the experiences of myself and a lot of people I know. Even a key twist in the story came from something that really happened to my mate. That flying fox (zip line) was real, and lots of fun! :D
Question#2 It was really fun to visit the outback in your book! What is your favorite place in your country?
The MovieWorld theme park. LOL, not very outback of me, I know. If we're talking rural areas, I'd say wherever my family is. :) I grew up in the country with a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins around, and while I now live a long way away I still love hanging out with them whenever I get the chance.
Question#3 If girl's guide to the outback was made into a movie/tv show, who would your dream cast be?
Great question! I'm planning to ask this on social media and see who people come up with. But of the top of my head -
Sam - Liam Hemsworth (duh, there had to be a hemsworth in here.)
Kim - Emilia Clarke
Jules - Teresa Palmer
Mick - Aaron Ashmore
Question#4 Which of your fictional characters do you identify the most with?
I really value a sense of belonging and am lucky to have a big family, so Kim's longing came from me imagining, "What if I didnt have that?"
And Jules' journey was mine too - the advice her mum gives her is word-for-word something my Mum has said. We moved a couple times as a kid and I struggled with that, and had to learn to be adaptable.
Question#5 What do you like to do when you aren't writing?Talk about the X Files episode I watched last night. :D
Question#6 I loved the sibling banter! Do you have siblings?
Oldest of five! :D
Question#7 What do you hope that readers take away with them from this book?I hope that in all my books, readers are challenged to consider what ways they're holding their identity or plans back from God, and how they can embrace His will and love and identity for them more.#8 I have to ask, are we coming back to 'Straya in the future?
Hope so! Pitching ideas for my next book to the publisher now.
More rom coms!!! :D
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