My review of Wyatt by Susan May Warren

Wow, what a ride! Bravo SMW for writing another addition to this fantastic family series! Each one of these stories are as unique as the siblings that it features. I LOVED Ford, I mean he was pretty perfect. Wyatt's story is very different, because Wyatt is a totally different brother. He is someone who acts on more emotion. He has a history with Coco that was illuded to in the previous book. And now we finally find out why things happened the way they did. This is another fast paced story and I finished it in a ,day. Very hard to put down. I loved the humorous parts of the book! Wyatt's mind was often jumping to conclusions and then running away with imagination, and I cracked up with his and York's interactions. Seriously, I love York so much! There are several twists in the story that I can't reveal without giving too much away. Some I guessed ahead of time, others caught me off guard. There are some adult themes mentioned, but not too detailed. I loved the ...