
Five stars are not enough. This book was amazing. Everything and more from what I expected after reading book one. This book hit the ground running and do much of all the peices that were set in motion in book one came into play here. The romance was superb. Pure poetry, pure beauty. I loved the weaving of the themes through this book. This is one that I will absolutely be rereading. I may have read several quotes and chapter 25 twice already. I have no regrets. This book is a work of art that I know I can expect from Tamara Leigh's books. I lived how the characters got to know and trust each other. The romance was built off of who they became to each other. Sinjin is one of my new favorite TL hero! I have several of his quotes highlighted. I loved Ondine as a character and the growth that you see in her arc. Ahhhhhh, the worst hangover after this one. Can't wait for the next installment of the series! This book is a perfect example for why I consider Tamara Leigh the queen of ...