
Showing posts from August, 2021

Love and the Silver lining

Oh my, loved this! Well I absolutely loved Bryson. Broody, protective, backstory and depth.......yes please. This book definitely gave me the feels and I was rooting hard for Bryson the whole time. This author has a great way of handling triangles. Which is such a tricky trope. This book touches on some real feelings, especially for me who has been a Christian for awhile, sometimes we wonder...."why is this happening to me, I have tried to do all the right things ". Darcy had some growing to do and I loved seeing how she fought it at first, then you see how she changes. Bravo Another winner in my opinion! I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgally. All opinions are honest and completely my own.

Then Came you

Ahh, yes. We get Boone Buckham's story now! He was the guy back in the PJ Sugar series, the loyal guy, that didn't get the girl. I was really excited to see him get his own HEA. And I really enjoyed it. His loyalty is something I loved and him and Vivian were so fun to watch. That first line hooked me from the beginning and I ate this story up! It's fun, with good character growth and a touch of some mystery. If you need a good book to give you a bit of a vacay, I'd recommend this book! I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are honest and completely my own

Shadow by Kara Swanson

To sum it up in one word.....Epic Seriously,  this book was amazingly epic! You must read Dust first because this book drops you right where Dust left off.  The author did a fantastic job of building off of the world and characters that she created in the first book.  This book is vivid and engrossing,  action packed and deep. I loved how she wove metaphors into this fantasy world that are so relatable in our world.  Because we all wrestle with darkness.  It is so much more intense than Dust so buckle up for a wild ride! I really appreciated how she wove the spiritual message into this story,  my only complaint with the first novel was that the spiritual message was not quite fleshed out as I liked, this one was definitely there it was perfectly obvious to the person looking for it yet it never beat you over the head. It was incredible! Definitely one of my favorite books this year! There was not one thing I didn't like! As someone who doesn't get into...

Wildflower Road

Okay, now I'm hooked! It's crazy how you can know about an author, interact on social media and still take way too long to pick up her books. Well better late then never! I absolutely loved this story.  The characters are heartfelt and authentic feeling.  They struggle with some true to life issues that are not easy to come through, and they don't conveniently disappear.  It felt authentic, real. This book does touch on some heavier topics,  yet it is not overpowering at all. It is part of these character's stories and I loved seeing their growth! The banter between friends was so good and several time I was just grinning at the humor and snappy dialogue.  Kissing book alert! I do love a good kissing book, and this author managed to really keep the chemistry there, throughout the story.  I loved this love story! I love stories of redemption. I love seeing characters come from a broken past into the hope that we have in our Lord. Now I need the next one! ...

Woman in Shadiw

This author always writes a tight mystery! I enjoy how this author sets up her plot and slowly builds the tension until the conclusion. Out of her books that I have read this one was one of the easier ones to figure out yet there was a bit of a twist I didn't see until the reveal. A great read for someone who wants a absorbing mystery without being a romantic suspense. There is a slight romantic interest but it isn't strong. I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgally and all opinions in this review are honest and completely my own.

Yours is the Night

There are some books where when you try to write a review,  words feel  insufficient.  Though a book is made up of words, I do not have the skill to describe how beautiful this story is.  However I will attempt to write out a review.  Amanda Dykes is a word smith, she paints scenes,  settings and characters with words that appear to take a life of their own. This is one of those books that you experience,  not just read. I rarely cry while reading, yet once again I am brought to tears by this author's work. Tears of sadness sometimes,  but the tears are also from being touched by moments of heroism,  tenderness and hope. I will treasure this book. For one thing it reminds us to look to the light while in darkness,  it reminds us that we all have a chance to be brave in our own way.  A time that our Creator destined us for. So yes, I highly recommend it.