My review of Ford by Susan May Warren

3 Show more Review Ford I. Can't. Even. This book was fantastic! Seriously. While I have really enjoyed both Knox and Tate, Ford took the cake as being my favorite in this series so far. We got a glimpse of Ford in the previous book and, I was waiting with baited breath for his story. The wait is over! Ford opens with a bang and does not slow down. Susan May Warren is a master of pulling you in with her complex and real feeling characters. When she adds a suspenseful, action packed storyline........ masterpiece! Ford is the youngest brother of the family, and has been playing catch up with his hero brothers and father, his whole life. I really loved how SMW wove the lessons he had to learn into the story. This author may entertain with her action an romance, but she always leaves you with something deep and meaningfull to think about. This series must be read in order! I really loved how the romance developed between Ford and Scarlett. Both had to overcome and grow, but...